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Information Technology

Vic Hansen has almost four decades of expertise in computer sciences and information technology, specializing in programming, operating systems development and analysis, database development, transaction processing, and artificial intelligence. For Mondre Energy, Vic manages MEI’s information systems, such as MEI’s utility bill reconciliation systems, and the Mondre Energy Insight System©, a web-based service that allows clients to fully understand their energy usage, and which forms the basis of sound decision making about energy use, procurement, and investment. Mr. Hansen’s experience includes the support and development of V4, a patented, context-sensitive, multidimensional data space and data analysis language. Mr. Hansen is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. He holds a degree Electrical Engineering/Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and has pursued graduate studies at the Moore School of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania.

Mr. Hansen is MEI’s expert for database development and maintenance services that include including building Windows and Linux based multi-user web platforms, real-time integration of locally maintained data with data maintained on remote severs/applications and high reliability transaction relational databases.

Professional Summary


Professional Societies